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On Referrals and the “Man know Man” advantage

I do not know about You, but 80% of the opportunities that have come my way came through referrals. Clients, Job offers, Gigs..just name it.

What happens is that someone somewhere needs your services and You are not there to “pitch yourself to them”, but there is somebody there who just happens to mention your name to them and the rest was history..

We all do not like the “Man know Man” phenomenon but You see, before a vacancy gets on Jobberman, there are other Men in the room who would have referred their own Men…so when your CV flies in, it is landing on a CV stack overflow. Life is not fair right? Well, no be today.. get used to it.

What is the morale of the epistle?

Whether Life is fair or not, that is Life’s business.

Your own Business is to tilt Life’s scale in your direction.

If We need your services and You are not there, will there be somebody that will mention your Name?

Or better still, let me ask, What will make You refer somebody for an opportunity?

Maybe they are the “baddest guy ever liveth” in their field.. but from experience, I know that for every “Bad Guy”, there are other “Badoos” and “Baddests” out there.

The last few times I have referred people for opportunities, I did because of the “Experience” I had dealing with them.

After You have finished fixing their gadget, Drycleaning their clothes, building them the website or the app.. what they will remember is the experience they had with You and that is why they will refer You to others.

Or have You not heard statements like “That guy is very good o, but he disappoints” or “That guy sabi work but him attitude no good” or “that girl is fine o, but her head dey touch”

Do your work excellently this week, but do not forget to create “wow” experiences for people.. AKA when You are done doing your job, let people be doing “wow wow wow” like your State Governor’s Siren.

Happy New Week.


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