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Its time to Act your Resume

Way back in the days, when I was leaving the University, one of the critical skills I acquired was “How to craft a killer Resume/CV”.

In the course of my CV writing Skill Acquisition, I learnt about the benefits of using ACTION WORDS in your Resume.  Action words catch the attention of the person reading or reviewing your CV.

It’s been 5 years since that time and I have evolved, I have come across people who obviously have acquired similar skills at one point or the other. However, what I have discovered is that the only ACTION that most people take is the Action in the “Action Words” in their CVs or Resumes.

On Paper, they are Clark Kent or SuperMan or Superwoman but in Real Life, they are no where close.

Action words on your Resume can get you an interview and probably a Job, but it will take more than action words to keep you up your game.

If your CV says you are Superman, you go ahead and Act it.

Its time to ACT YOUR RESUME!!.


Seun Ogunmola © 2017

*CV : Curriculum Vitae

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